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    Fushen Group Co., Ltd. is a well-known domestic garment manufacturer developed from the Fushen Garment Company established in 1990. It is the vice chairman unit of the Men's Clothing Professional Committee of the China Garment Association.

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    In the journey of change and search, Fushen insists on developing through innovation, taking brand men's clothing as the guide, extending to diversified fields, laying out the future, and planning for a hundred years!

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    Huizhou-a shining pearl located in eastern Guangdong, known as the "important town in eastern Guangdong, famous county in Lingnan", gathers landscapes of sea, lakes, mountains, water, and waterfalls, and integrates the culture of the Dongjiang basin.

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    Huizhou-a shining pearl located in eastern Guangdong, known as the "important town in eastern Guangdong, famous county in Lingnan", gathers landscapes of sea, lakes, mountains, water, and waterfalls, and integrates the culture of the Dongjiang basin.


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    Huizhou-a shining pearl located in eastern Guangdong, known as the "important town in eastern Guangdong, famous county in Lingnan", gathers landscapes of sea, lakes, mountains, water, and waterfalls, and integrates the culture of the Dongjiang basin.


    Contact Fushen

    Huizhou-a shining pearl located in eastern Guangdong, known as the "important town in eastern Guangdong, famous county in Lingnan", gathers landscapes of sea, lakes, mountains, water, and waterfalls, and integrates the culture of the Dongjiang basin.

Social responsibility

Fushen·New Director Support Plan is in full swing

Source: Time:2020-06-16 16:28:46 views:

Since its official launch at the end of March, the rich gentry and cutting-edge director support plan has received great attention and active participation from young people and film lovers.


必赢国际·新锐导演帮助计划自3月底正式启动以来 ,受到宽大青年人和影戏喜好者的极大关注和踊跃加入。经历了导演选拔、剧本初定阶段 ,目前 ,演员招募正在进行 ,共有六部微影戏等你来出演 ,对演出有兴趣的男神女神们 ,赶忙来报名吧 ,说未必主角就是你喔。
报名可凳录东江传媒网下载填写资料 ,选择广州大学城和惠州两地加入海选。所有影片将于7月至9月中旬进行拍摄 ,并在最终作品奖项评定中针对参演演员评出最佳男主角和最佳女主角。
此次入围的六部微影戏剧天职别是《半本日记》、《灯 亮了》、《生长的足迹》、《X》、《多事》、《梦想的旋律》 ,题材多样,故事精彩。获得帮助的导演划分来自广州、上海、惠州等地 ,显示了必赢国际·新锐导演帮助计划运动的超凡人气和广泛影响。
必赢国际·新锐导演帮助计划是粤港澳微影视作品文化交流周运动的重点项目 ,由市委宣传部、市文化广电新闻出书局、惠州广播电视传媒集团有限公司主办 ,致力于为粤港澳地区优秀导演提供培养帮助平台 ,通过创作帮助、资金帮助、宣传推广等 ,培育粤港澳地区优秀青年导演 ,从而增进粤港澳地区微影视新媒体创作生长。
必赢国际集团全程加入帮助计划 ,希望借助粤港澳影视作品文化交流周的平台 ,赞助新锐导演帮助计划的时机 ,通报增必赢国际品牌理念和“价值观”的“正能量” ,打造年轻人微影戏创作交流盛会 ,为年轻人提供更多实现梦想的时机 ,助力文化人才的培养 ,增进粤港澳地区微影视文交流 ,增进港澳地区微影视新媒体的创作的昌盛 ,推进文化工业生长。

Fushen Group Co., Ltd. All rights reserved 备案号:粤ICP备15116549号 网站建设:惠州北易
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